
Building a generous and sustainable brand universe for an independent chocolate company form the heart of Bavaria

Tales of Topographic Oceans

Have you ever wondered what the bottom of the ocean looks like? In this a visual ode to the vast unknown depths of the ocean, El Malher, Jonathan Collin and I used geospatial data and Risograph printing to manipulate bathymetry data (ocean floor topography) of the Celtic Sea.

We created 19 individual posters, printed on archival paper, changing the azimuth angle sequentially. Coordinates at the bottom of each poster indicate the precise location within the terrain.


kevin kremer design graphic design
kevin kremer design graphic design
kevin kremer design graphic design
kevin kremer design graphic design
kevin kremer design graphic design
kevin kremer design graphic design
kevin kremer design graphic design
kevin kremer design graphic design
kevin kremer design graphic design
kevin kremer design graphic design
kevin kremer design graphic design


kevin kremer design graphic design
kevin kremer design graphic design
kevin kremer design graphic design

El Mahler
Jonathan Collin


320 x 445 mm




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Dictionary of Freedom
A collaborative publication investigating the relationship between language and context ⟶ view project

An award-winning visual exploration challenging our perception of typography ⟶ view project


Theinhardt — A Typeface Analysis
An award-winning typographic publication analysing a true gem of Swiss type-design by François Rappo ⟶ view project

If this was your last chance to expressing free speech, what would you want to say and how? ⟶ view project


Have a big idea and would like to collaborate?
Please get in touch via


Visual Diary